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Helping Your Dog Love the We Leash

My sister-in-law, Shannon, says she thinks dogs who hold their end of the leash look downright smug. I suspect that’s true. They may feel a bit smug — best friend by their sides, their favorite toy or binkie in their mouths, a sense of freedom and shared control. It really is the recipe for a perfect walk.

Some dogs, however, take a little time to learn that holding their end of the leash is a good thing. And, no dog ever wants to hold on all the time. That’s normal. It’s why we made the snap that turns the leash into a single line and the hook near your handle on which you can hang the toy when your dog chooses not to hold it. It’s all about giving your dog the choice.

It seems that having choice is what makes the biggest difference to our dogs. The initial group of 72 dogs that we tested all showed increases in security and attachment to their caregivers after holding their end of the leash for a total of just four minutes a day. That’s the shortest amount of time assessed so far, and those four minutes don’t have to come all at once or even in the same walk!

Tips For Introducing The We Leash

- Make the handle, toy, or binkie come alive by jiggling, wiggling, or playing keep-away.

- Once your dog is holding his end of the leash, start walking. If he drops his end, try getting him excited again. You may want to keep the leash snapped to start, shortening the toy line and keeping it closer to your dog's mouth.

- If your dog doesn't seem excited, get creative by tying a ball, rawhide, or handful of treats into the binkie.  You can knot the binkie or use a rubber band to secure the items if needed.

- Some dogs walk holding their end immediately and some take several weeks to get the idea, but all dogs will benefit from the We Leash, so please don’t give up. Remember, any time holding their end of the leash increases your dog’s confidence and connection with you!

- Please remember our toys and binkies are designed to be held by your dog as you walk together. They are not chew toys for rough chewers!

If you and your dog need a little extra help, please don’t hesitate to ask.  You can always email us at